Addictions: From Electronic To Pharmacuedical

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Originally Posted By: Wolvercuss ([email protected])

Been compiling this list for people in my game, not to mention to make MY life easier when I run it. But please, if I have missed something or you have something 'nasty' either Email it or post it.


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Wireheading Goto Top

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Hardware device that will link right into a person's brain. Result is continual stimulation of that person's pleasure-center.


VERY! Its usually a one time ride.


Once the person is wired in, then will no longer have any cares at all. Battery-pack usually lasts between 1-3 days. Since the addiction to the stimulation is so high, the addict usually dies of thirst before the battery runs down.

Braindance Goto Top

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The usage of Braindance chips or use via inter-face plugs will give the user the desired effect. This depends upon what type of chip/interface they use.
The main 5 types are Experience Chips, Memory Chips, Environment Chips, Virtual Reality and Visitor Reality.

Experience Chips: Are the most common. It is simular to a movie where the user is the star. It shuts off the current reality so the user only experiences what the chip is geared for.

Memory Chips: Gives the user a specific memory or set of them.

Environment Chips: Are still mostly in development, though in theory they will give the user's consciousness to be changed from reality to a programmed one. Does not alter their actions any, just what they perceive.

Virtual Realities: Are like the Experience Chips but are interactive.

Visitor Realities: Are like the Virtual Realities, but they are linked into the net. They will give the user the experience of VR in Reality, as they walk, talk, etc.


Excessive use can alter their perceptions, giving the user the perception that the braindance is actually real.


Fairly expensive and since these chips will always give pleasure. Usage of these chips can lead to dependance.

Combat Drugs Goto Top

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Carbons: (Derm) Raise BODY +2
Side Effects: Once worn off, reduced REF -2 for 1d3 days.
Lasts: 1d3+1 Hours
Cost: 350eb / Dose

Chaka: (Crystal) Extended hearing range (+4 awareness)
Lasts: 1d6 Hours.
Cost: 120eb / Dose

Dab: (Inhalers) Gives excellent precision with small instruments (+3 tech)
Lasts: 1d3+5 Hours
Cost: 140eb / Dose

Red: (Derm) Raise BODY +3
Side Effects: User will receive 2d6 damage when it wears off.
Lasts: 1d6+3 Hours
Cost: 700eb / Dose

'Dorph: (Var) Painkiller. Reduces pain and stress
Possible Side Effects: 1 in 10 chance of loosing REF -1 forever.
Lasts: 1d6+1 Turns
Cost: 250eb / Dose

Black Lace: (Var) Painkiller. Raise COOL +2 and not effected by stun of shock effects.
Possible Side Effects: EMP loss or death.
Lasts: 1d6+1 Hours
Cost: 650eb / Dose

Score: (Powder) Raise REF +2
Lasts: 1d3+1 Hours
Cost: 250eb / Dose

Sniff: (Crystal) Raise +3 to awareness (smell only)
Lasts: 1d3 Hours
Cost: 85eb / Dose

Twenty: (Derm) +2 to awareness (visual) and human perception, +1 to all REF checks involving the visual perceptions
Possible Side Effects: Blindness can be experienced from withdrawl.
Lasts: 1d6+1 Hours
Cost: 120eb / Dose

Jazz: (Capsule) Gives +2 REF & COOL
Possible Side Effects: Psychological addictive, aggressive behavior, possible nerve damage.
Lasts: 1d10+1 Turns
Cost: 300eb / Dose

Foolkiller: (Derm) +3 COOL & Perception roll & Endurance check
Possible Side Effects: Reduced REF &/or INT, sterlility, immunie deficiency.
Lasts: 1d10+1 Minutes
Cost: 2,000eb / Dose

Rambo-7: (Injection) Gives +2 BODY & REF & Perception and helps negate pain.
Possible Side Effects: Reduced int, paranoia, psychotic rage, nerve degeneration, physiologically addictive.
Lasts: 1d10+1 Minutes
Cost: 800eb / Dose

Psychological Drugs Goto Top

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Nightline: (Derm) Grants the user +3 on skills (perform) in which benefits will be +2 (INT)
Side Effects: Reduced capacity in logical thought and reactions (-2 tech -1 ref) for the duration.
Lasts: 2d10 Hours
Cost: 100eb / Dose

Clock: (Powder) Induces logic and aids reflexes (+1 REF +2 TECH/INT) in return it reduces emotional (+2 COOL, -3 EMP).
Possible Side Effects: -1 INT & EMP.
Lasts: 1d6+2 Hours
Cost: 90eb / Dose

Gun: (Derm) Exaggerated emotions (+3 EMP) and -1 TECH & INT. Elevated energy level, +1 BODY & MA.
Lasts: 1d3 Hours
Cost: 50eb / Dose

Sixgun: (Injection) Gives +3 INT & Perception + Delayed side effects
Possible Side Effects: Tremors, reduced REF &/or INT, irrational fear, possible nerve damage.
Lasts: 1d10+1 Hours
Cost: 2,175eb / Dose

Boost: (Var) Boosts your INT by +1
Possible Side Effects: Screaming fits and hallucinations.
Lasts: 1d6+1 Hours
Cost: 600eb / Dose

Recreational Drugs Goto Top

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Syncomp 15: (Var) Broad spectrum poison anitidote for treating nerve and biotoxins. REF is reduced at rate of 1 pt / dose.
Lasts: 1d6+1 Turns
Cost: 650eb / Dose

Stim: (Var) Increases endurance and alertness for long periods of time.
Possible Side Effects: Mental delusions.
Lasts: 1d6+1 Minutes
Cost: 500eb / Dose

Synthcoke: (Var) Stimulant
Possible Side Effects: Paranoia, psychological addiction.
Lasts: 1d6+1 Minutes
Cost: 1,000eb / Dose

Gold: (Capsule) Sedative and gives the user greater appreciatino of dreams. Remembering them as well
Possible Side Effects: Will remember nightmares, if not make them worse.
Cost: 125eb / Dose

Klute: (Derm) Enhanced sexual performance
Lasts: 1d6 Hours
Cost: 70eb / Dose

Rain: (Crystal) Mind altering drug.
Lasts: 1d6+4 Hours
Cost: 130eb / Dose

LeSade: (Injection) Gives aphrodisiac, euphoric and coagulant.
Possible Side Effects: Psychologically addictive, reduced INT, delusions.
Lasts: 1d10+1 Minutes
Cost: 600eb / Dose

Diamond Four: (Injection) Gives increased healing, antibiotic, antidote vs nerve agents
Possible Side Effects: Tremors, irrational fear, reduced REF, extend reduced REF for 1 week.
Lasts: 1d10+1 Hours
Cost: 1,725eb / Dose

Thrill: (Injection) Gives euphoria
Side Effects: Delusion, paranoia, hallucinations.
Lasts: 1d10+1 Turns
Cost: 75eb / Dose

Skate: (Capsule) Gives euphoria and increased endurance
Possible Side Effects: Delusion, paranoia, reduced INT.
Lasts: 1d10+1 Hours
Cost: 195eb / Dose

Speedheal: (Var) Enhance the natural healing processes
Possible Side Effects: Reduced REF by 1d6/3 for 1 week after use.
Lasts: 1d6+1 Hours
Cost: 1,650eb / Dose

Blue Glass: (Var) Hallucinogenic, see colors in your mind
Possible Side Effects: (other than the obvious - 3 in 10 chance of it working though) and you are reduced to looking at them for the entire period.
Lasts: 1d6+1 Minutes
Cost: 900eb / Dose

Smash: (Cans) Makes you loose and happy. Very Euphoric
Possible Side Effects: Psychological addiction - suicidal thoughts, catatonic states
Lasts: 1d6+1 Minutes
Cost: 100eb per 6 pack.

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