Addictions: From Electronic To Pharmacuedical |
Originally Posted By: Wolvercuss ([email protected]) Been compiling this list for people in my game, not to mention to make MY life easier when I run it. But please, if I have missed something or you have something 'nasty' either Email it or post it. Thanks. Page Index: |
Wireheading | Goto Top |
Effect: Hardware device that will link right into a person's brain. Result is continual stimulation of that person's pleasure-center. Addictiveness: VERY! Its usually a one time ride. Disadvantages: Once the person is wired in, then will
no longer have any cares at all. Battery-pack usually
lasts between 1-3 days. Since the addiction to the
stimulation is so high, the addict usually dies of
thirst before the battery runs down. |
Braindance | Goto Top |
Effect: The usage of Braindance chips or use via inter-face plugs will
give the user the desired effect. This depends upon what type of
chip/interface they use.
Addictiveness: Excessive use can alter their perceptions, giving the user the perception that the braindance is actually real. Disadvantages: Fairly expensive and since these chips will always give pleasure.
Usage of these chips can lead to dependance.
Combat Drugs | Goto Top |
Carbons: (Derm) Raise BODY +2
Chaka: (Crystal) Extended hearing range (+4 awareness)
Dab: (Inhalers) Gives excellent precision with small instruments (+3 tech)
Red: (Derm) Raise BODY +3
'Dorph: (Var) Painkiller. Reduces pain and stress
Black Lace: (Var) Painkiller. Raise COOL +2 and not effected by stun of shock effects.
Score: (Powder) Raise REF +2
Sniff: (Crystal) Raise +3 to awareness (smell only)
Twenty: (Derm) +2 to awareness (visual) and human perception, +1 to all REF checks involving the visual perceptions
Jazz: (Capsule) Gives +2 REF & COOL
Foolkiller: (Derm) +3 COOL & Perception roll & Endurance check
Rambo-7: (Injection) Gives +2 BODY & REF & Perception and helps negate pain.
Psychological Drugs | Goto Top |
Nightline: (Derm) Grants the user +3 on skills (perform) in which benefits will be +2 (INT)
Clock: (Powder) Induces logic and aids reflexes
(+1 REF +2 TECH/INT) in return it reduces emotional (+2 COOL, -3 EMP).
Gun: (Derm) Exaggerated emotions (+3 EMP) and
-1 TECH & INT. Elevated energy level, +1 BODY & MA.
Sixgun: (Injection) Gives +3 INT & Perception + Delayed side effects
Boost: (Var) Boosts your INT by +1
Recreational Drugs | Goto Top |
Syncomp 15: (Var) Broad spectrum poison anitidote for
treating nerve and biotoxins. REF is reduced at rate of 1 pt / dose.
Stim: (Var) Increases endurance and alertness for long periods of time.
Synthcoke: (Var) Stimulant
Gold: (Capsule) Sedative and gives the user greater
appreciatino of dreams. Remembering them as well
Klute: (Derm) Enhanced sexual performance
Rain: (Crystal) Mind altering drug.
LeSade: (Injection) Gives aphrodisiac, euphoric and coagulant.
Diamond Four: (Injection) Gives increased healing, antibiotic, antidote vs nerve agents
Thrill: (Injection) Gives euphoria
Skate: (Capsule) Gives euphoria and increased endurance
Speedheal: (Var) Enhance the natural healing processes
Blue Glass: (Var) Hallucinogenic, see colors in your mind
Smash: (Cans) Makes you loose and happy. Very Euphoric