Samuraii, colloquially known as "sammy" (also the name used for anyone
using the drug) is THE combat drug. It was invented in a joint effort by the
Pentagon and the Medellian Cartel for use in a war in Nicaragua against the other
drug Cartels. The success' of the drug were difficult to hide in the military and it
soon became popular in the civilian market.
The parties responsible for its creation kept supply low to boost the price,
until it was discovered just how addictive and destructive it was. Most civilians
with the money to buy it found the high addiction rate too inconvenient for their
lifestyle, and too devastating, so use has slowly been limited to military ops.
The main problem is the effects of withdrawal. At first the extra REF, Awareness,
etc. may not seem too bad, but for most people in the early quarter of the twenty
first century the loss of 1d4 EMP is too much. Combined with the violent tendencies
of both drug and user ANYTHING will act to piss the user off! The cat next door, the
radio you can now hear half a city away, and especially those men and women in
Kevlar with CSWAT written on it who keep yelling at you through a loud-speaker, hell
even your own face may anger you.
The good news is that if you survive but fail to withdraw the first time, the
only problem you have (and will have for the rest of your life) are bad headaches
(-1 ALL rolls). Like they say "nobody fucks with Sammy, Sammy fucks with
Benzadrine-Analog, Greenish Liquid In Thin But Hard
Shelled Capsule
DRM -2
ODM +3
WDM +3
$450 Per Ampule
Immediate Effect:
+3 REF, Awareness, COOL, MA, BODY - No Shock Or
Death-Saves Necessary
Effect Duration:
5d4 Minutes
Time Till Withdrawal:
4-8 Hours
Withdrawal Period:
20-30 Minutes
Withdrawal Side-Effects:
Same As "Immediate Effects" Plus The
Temporary Loss Of 1d4 EMP
Permanent Side-Effects:
Headaches, -1 To All Rolls |