Derms |
Animal | Goto Top |
As early as the 'Nineties the Saudi Arabian secret service had been investigating a
drug which would stimulate a persons pain centres of the brain, forcing them to act
regardless of what other injuries they might have. The subject was far from fear,
but also far from any knid of thought and would attack the nearest object (inanimate
object if no person was around) in an attempt to destroy it and thereby relieve the
pain. Within a few seconds of application the subject would engage in the most
vicious unarmed hand-to-hand combat attack they knew and would not stop.
Tropaine Alkaloid, Black Liquid In See-Through Patch Stimulant DRM +0 ODM +0 WDM -2 $250 Per Derm-patch Immediate Effect: +2 REF, BODY, No-Shock/Death Saves. Pain! Effect Duration: 2-4 Minutes Time Till Withdrawal: 2-6 Hours Withdrawal Period: 24 Hours Withdrawal Side-Effects: -1d3 EMP, Violent Attitude Permanent Side-Effects: The Damage You Cause To Yourself |
Uri Geller Special | Goto Top |
Invented by the CIA as a temporary mind enhancer for agents who needed to remember
everything they saw or heard, the drug has only a slight affect on the users nervous
system. The drug stimulates the brains memory areas allowing a photo-graphic memory
of the Effect period. This includes all of the senses and is crystal clear for the
rest of your life. For this reason it is sometimes given to people who are about to
be tortured.
Benzadiene-Analog Stimulant DRM -1 ODM +1 WDM -2 $250 Per Derm-Patch Immediate Effect: (in 3d10 seconds) +2 INT - Photographic Memory Effect Duration: 5+1d10 Minutes Time Till Withdrawal: 1d8 Hours Withdrawal Period: 1d8 Hours Withdrawal Side-Effects: -1 INT Permanent Side-Effects: -1 INT |
Jetwash | Goto Top |
A depressant used in the German military for treating serious field injuries where
the patient will most likely go into shock. It creates a feeling of a warm "
washing-over" of the senses. The Germans have lent their skill at quality
enginnering to this drug and it has no permenant ill side-effects.
Isoquinaline Alkaloid, Colourless Liquid In Gelatin Capsule Narcotic DRM -1 ODM -1 WDM +2 $150 Per Derm Immediate Effect: +2 COOL, +3 Shock/Conciousness Saves Effect Duration: 30 +1d10 Minutes Time Till Withdrawal: 2d6 Hours Withdrawal Period: 1d4 Days Withdrawal Side-Effects: -1 REF, INT, COOL, TECH Permanent Side-Effects: None |