Popular amongst the Bob Marley Cult/Lions of Zion and other mellow hard-core drug
abusers this is a reasonably expensive fashion drug which is rather rare on the
ground. It causes slowing and hastening of chemical transfers in the brain. For
instance people can "hear" things before they "see" or "
feel" them. it is not unusual for Cult member of claim they have seen or heard
Bob himself while in a drug induced state.
Isoquinaline Alkaloid, Purple Crystals
DRM -2
ODM +1
WDM -2
$140 Per Line
Immediate Effect:
Random +/- 1d3 To 1d3 Stats, Sensory Crossover
Effect Duration:
2d4 hours
Time Till Withdrawal:
6+1d6 Hours
Withdrawal Period:
3-6 Days
Withdrawal Side-Effects:
-2 COOL, Passing Out Every 1d6 Hours
For A Further 1d6 Hours
Permanent Side-Effects:
-1 COOL |