New Drugs From Sandman

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Originally Posted By: Sandman ([email protected])

3 new drugs, for whoever wants 'em...

Don't trash me if this isn't scientifically /biologically kosher, it's just a game


Flash Goto Top

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	Type:       Stimulant
	Strength:   +2
	Difficulty: 4
	Cost:       100eb
	Duration:   1d6+1 hours
		Increased REF, Euphoric, Enhance  Perception
		Psychological, Physical Addictions, Nerve Degeneration
		Flash Is A Stimulant Drug Used By Boosters,
		Zoomers, And Other Speed-Freaks

Warp Drive Goto Top

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	Type:       Euphoric
	Strength:   +3
	Difficulty: 45
	Cost:       1,125 eb
	Duration:   1d6+1 hours
		Increased REF, Euphoric.
		Psychological Addiction.
		Warp Drive is a stronger and much more expensive
		variant of Flash, with less side-effects.
		Whereas Flash is typically used on the Street,
		WD is used mainly by "professionals"
		(ie. racers, smugglers)

Brainstim (Super NDT) Goto Top

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	Type:       Mental Enhancer
	Strength:   +4
	Difficulty: 153
	Cost:       3,825 eb
	Duration:   1d6+1 hours
		Increased INT, CL, Awareness, and Endurance.
		Psychologically addictive.
		Super NDT is a mnemonic enhancer.  It also stimulates
		the growth and flow of dendrites in the brain. It
		allows the user seemingly-total awareness and greatly
		enhanced thinking.  Brainstim addicts typically
		develop God-complexes in a very short time, since the
		drug seems to give them near omniscience. Super NDT
		can only be manufactured in such a potent form
		(+4 Str) when using human NDT as a base for each dose
		(usually harvested from homeless children). Synthetic
		NDT is only half as powerful, but has the same
		side-effects (and cost).

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