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Originally Posted By: Ken "Wirehead" Wronkiewicz and Marshall Motley ([email protected])
Copyright © Ken Wronkiewicz and Marshall Motley

Anarchists will be prevalent in the future as they are today. Some have a misguided ideal that government is inherently evil and people can live without government. Others are just nuts who are looking for an excuse to kill people. They will destroy arcologies, attack governments and corporations.
Generally anarchists will claim that they want to return to a farming or a hunter-gatherer society. Problem is, there's too many people to do that with.
The greens love the environment. Nothing matters but the environment. If properly provoked, they will take up arms to destroy companies that are not friendly to the environment. If the corporations have bought off the government, it is even more plausible for them to take up arms, because the government is not going to listen to them.
Some groups are peaceful, Amish types who practice what they preach. Others are hypocritical terrorist groups.
Some of the green's advice makes sense, but they can go too far and end up wasting more energy and resources than they save.
Cybers / Mechanists:
The future will be filled with people who love technology. They think that the ultimate of coolness is to have the latest mind toy. They will not flinch at augmenting the body. They feel that immortality can be achieved merely through the augmentation of the body.
The existence of this subculture hinges on the sort of cybertechnology you use.
Shapers are the opposite of cybers. They dislike technology, and instead prefer to concentrate on the use of biological life forms. They modify their genetic code to improve themselves. They create servile life forms much like the mechanists will create robots.
Technophobes are opposed to any technology or genetic engineering. They do not want to have their humanity taken away; they instead wish to stand on their own two feet. Instead of robots or genetic engineered life forms, they think that animals and other humans should be enslaved. Ever notice how everybody has to stand on something?
Xenophobes are afraid of anything that is different, like mutants, aliens, other races and free-thinkers. Xenophobia often goes well with Fascism. Xenophobia is one of mankind's long-standing traditions. Early homo sapiens waged war with neandethrals. Xenophobia finds excuses for itself in everything. Many people will be afflicted with some form of Xenophobia.
Kinetics are people who want to go as fast as possible everywhere. They go fast for the thrill of doing so. The only thing that matters to them is the next big thrill. Kinetics do not live long.
Kinetics are usually people who are financially secure. Being secure is boring. Even worse are the people who retire at the age of twenty.
Hackers are keen on powerful computing. Some of them will try to exploit other people's computers, but many of them do not break in to other systems. Hackers are often interested in writing neat hacks more than actual productions. Not that hackers are not stereotypical 'geek' type people.
Phreaks / Crackers / Warez D00dz:
The illegal part of computer subcultures. Most hackers look down on these subcultures. They choose to maliciously break into established systems in order to seek thrills, much like the Kinetics. Phreaks play with the phone systems, Crackers play with the networks, and Warez D00dz are concerned with software piracy.
Drug Culture:
Drug Culture is going to figure big. You are not just going to have the destitute addicts who wash up on the street corner, you are going to have the upper class trying it out. Kinetics are likely to engage in drug culture.
Drug dealers do not like competition. This way, they can charge as much as they want for the drugs. Because they charge huge sums of money for drugs, they will have access to powerful weaponry and advanced technology.
Depending on the government and political systems, drug culture will either be a legitimate entertainment or remain a criminal organization. If drugs are legalized, expect brash promises to be made as to their effects. They probably will not be true, but who is going to do anything about it?
Mafia / Yakuza / Organized Crime:
Organized crime figures big in most CyberPunk novels. Organized crime also does not like competition. They like things nice and orderly and have the guns to change things if they aren't.

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