What Is CyberPunk?

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Originally Posted By: Ken "Wirehead" Wronkiewicz and Marshall Motley ([email protected])
Copyright © Ken Wronkiewicz and Marshall Motley

CyberPunk is a genre that could be attached to alternatively the Science Fiction side of fiction or the horror side of fiction. Additionally, many people consider CyberPunk culture to merely represent the culture that is attached to the Internet and computers. In essence, there is a difference between the cyberpunks of today and the cyberpunks of the future.

This document is an attempt to provide source material for the CyberPunk writers so that readers don't need to read bad technology and also to provide inspiration for CyberPunk writers. It also can help out other Science Fiction writers.

CyberPunk, essentially, is a form of speculative fiction that deals with a high-technology future. CyberPunk is almost never happy, and usually leaves the reader in a 'life sucks' mood. The reader should not want to enter the little world that you create. CyberPunk is a warning as to what might happen in the future.

Required reading material for people who want to know more about CyberPunk is:

  • Neuromancer, By William Gibson
  • Count Zero, By William Gibson
  • Snow Crash, By Neil Stephenson
  • Mirrorshades, A CyberPunk Anthology, Edited By Bruce Sterling

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