Special Ammunition Types

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Originally Posted By: Henrik Sebring ([email protected])
Of The UK CyberPunk ThinkTank ([email protected])

CHOPPER and the FLIPPER IS DEAD THINKTANK wish you many hours of happy maiming!

'Pen' listings are for the HardWired Quick Armour System

Expanding Rounds Goto Top

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NameSP Mod. Dmg Mod.Pen. Cost
Bullets with hollows in the tip to allow them to expand in the wound
aka Semi Jacketed Hollowpoints (Partial Jacket)

Jacketed Hollowpointsx2x1.25-1x1.25
Hollowpoints with metal jackets that reduce expansion.
aka Coppertip and Silvertip (Bullets with soft metal tips)

Bullets with cuts in their jackets that allow them to break up in the body
aka Wadcutters (designed to expand to give neat holes in paper targets) and mercury cored rounds (a well of mercury in the bullets core is ruptured when it hits, expanding the bullet)
Most DumDums are home made. Tech + Weaponsmith, Easy NB. Dumdums fired from high power weapons may have the cores blown out and leave the jackets in the chamber. This jams the gun and is Dif. 15 to clear.

Exploder Rounds Goto Top

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Bullets containing explosives to increase the striking energy on the target.
Tip Exploders detonate on contact.
Base exploders on the bullets base impact slightly inside the target.

Weapon CaliberDamage Bonus
Very Heavy+2D6

This does not effect weapons damage or penetration until after armour has been taken into account. If the Bullet penetrates, add on the damage bonus to the damage left.

Wounds caused are at -1 to stun save on first roll, due to shock. If the wound is to Chest or Head, them also -1 to first Death Save. If the bullet was stopped by armour add the damage bonus to the bullets total damage when calculating Blunt Trauma and armour damage.

Cost x3


Conductive plastic slugs with a piezoelectric tip and explosive granules of C12 or higher embedded. On impact the Explosive detonates. These carry much more explosive than simple exploders, and are available for heavy and very heavy calibers only.

The Round does damage as an explosive bullet (+2D6) but it also has an effect radius of .5m doing damage =1/2 bullet damage.

Against any armour (SP 10 or greater) the bullet hits and explodes, doing 1/3 damage rolled to hit location by trauma, OR normal damage -SP, whichever is higher.

The larger charge also modifies save by -2 not -1 if it penetrates and explodes.

Direct hits on limbs that cause 8+damage wreck the limb (Mortal 0 wound) Hits of over 16+ damage blow the limb OFF.

Cost x5

Armour Piercing Rounds Goto Top

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NameSP Mod. Dmg Mod.Pen. Cost
KTW rounds are solid steel with a Teflon coating that prevents the steel from stripping the rifling off the inside of your gun barrel. The bullet does not expand in the target, so the wounds are not as large as a normal lead round.

Armour Piercingx0.5x0.5+1x3
These Bullets have Steel cores under a copper jacket, allowing them to be fired without damaging the gun.

Titanium Roundsx0.5 @ <= Med Rangex1+1x10
The bullet is solid titanium with a Teflon jacket. Titanium is almost half the weight of steel, yet has the same strength, so the bullet travels a lot faster than a KTW and slows down quicker in the target. Unfortunately it also slows a lot faster in normal travel, making it armour piercing only at point blank to medium ranges.

Tungsten Carbidex 1/3x0.5+1x15
Tungsten carbide is very heavy and very hard. Solid TC bullets are very hard to get, as the tools used to machine most metals have TC edges. As penetrators they are very effective, so TC cored bullets are very good as AP.

Depleted Uraniumx 1/4+D6(Pistols)
+2x150 + DU Cost
(More If Custom Made)
The Uranium is no longer radioactive (allegedly) but is very heavy, making it perfect as a heavy core penetrator. Unfortunately getting it is very hard, although rumors of Army snipers with DU rounds for 'special use' pop up from time to time.
DU rounds can only be used in Very Heavy handguns and Military caliber rifles. (Unless custom made)
Recent tests seem to show that the DUst from combustion of DU may become radioactive again, so wear a DUst mask. radioactive DUst may contaminate the firer, the point of impact and along the line of flight, so be careful.
The uranium is pyrotic and may ignite upon impact with SP20 or higher. (Doing an extra D3 burn damage a turn for D6+1 turns)

Flechette Rounds Goto Top

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NameSP Mod. Dmg Mod.Pen. Cost
Flechette Packagex1See Below0 or Ax2
This round contains a pack of several flechette darts, which makes the gun into a small shotgun. At point blank range the flechettes hit as a group, all on the same location doing half the normal rounds damage.
Pen A at longer ranges, treat as an automatic fire burst of (Minimum damage for the round normally) rounds. each hit does 1 point of damage.
These are usually used to deliver poisons or burst seals.

Single Flechette Roundsx0.5x 2/3+1x3
These contain a single saboted flechette, which is fired like a normal bullet. When the round leaves the gun the sabot falls away allowing the flechette to fly free at very high speeds.
The Flechette is armour Piercing (Half SP) and bends when it enters the target, 'fishhooking' and twisting. The wounds caused are punctures and tears rather than the 'wound channel' of removed flesh that normal bullets leave behind. They usually pass through the victim, exiting at an angle.
At point blank range, the sabots have enough energy to cause +1D6 damage.

Fragmentation Flechettesx0.5x1+1x4
These are pre-stressed to break up as they 'fishhook', breaking into several smaller pieces that slow down faster, transferring more energy to the victim and stopping the flechette in the body.

Armour Piercing Flechettesx0.25x0.5+2x5
These are heavy flechettes of high density alloys that do not bend or deform in the target. they will pass straight through the target without any deviation.

High Explosive Flechettesx0.5x1 +2Penx4
These have a thread of high explosive inside the body of the flechette that breaks it up inside the target.This causes similar effects to the fragmentation flechettes, as the remains of the flechette stay in the body.

Poisoned Flechettesx0.5x0.5(+Toxin)+1x3(+Toxin)
These are light flechettes designed to break up and deliver a toxin into the body of the victim. Dosed with poisoned to make even minor wounds lethal, these are cheap 'quick kill' weapons.

Toxin Types
BioToxin 1 - The Toxin is a Neurotoxin and kills within 30 seconds. (Unless make BOD 25 roll)
The ammo must be stored in a cooler and goes off in the heat
BioToxin 2 - The toxin is Blood active, and causes internal hemorrhaging and organ damage before death, to demoralize. Death takes 30 minutes.

AP-HE Flechettesx0.25x1 +2+2x7
These combine a Heavy penetrating dart with a explosive thread that ruptures the body of the flechette in the body, breaking it up and stopping it in the targets body.

Dual-Purpose Rounds Goto Top

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These are rounds specially designed to have armour piercing and wounding effects.

NameSP Mod. Dmg Mod.Pen. Cost
Dual Purposex0.5x0.5 vs Armoured
x1.5 vs Unarmoured
These have a Tungsten Carbide rod in a soft lead jacket. When the jacket hits it expands like a hollowpoint, but if it hits armour the jacket is stopped and the penetrator rod slides free, acting like an armour piercing round.

Hydro-Shockx0.5x0.5 vs Armoured
x1.75 vs Unarmoured
These have a wadcutter shaped lead jacket around a steel pin. The jacket expands as a wadcuttter, and the pin allows some armour piercing ability. To use Hydro-Shock rounds a gun needs custom Porting (150 euro) or its reliability drops one class.

Memory Expander Flechettesx0.25x1.5+2x10
These are State Of The Art ballistic examples of the wonders of memory metals When fired they are high density armour piercing flechettes, but fractions of a second after a high power impact they flatten out to heavy discs the size of saucers.
Needless to say, this expansion occurs in the body, causing massive injury.

Advanced Energy Transfer (AET) Rounds Goto Top

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NameSP Mod. Dmg Mod.Pen. Cost
Glaser Safety SlugSpecialx2 (+Special)0x20
These look like Blue pencil erasers, big fat plastic coated bullets. The glaser slug is a copper cup filled with liquid Teflon and lead shot, sealed with a plastic cap. When it hits the target the cut ruptures and the contents spill out. As the projectile is light it travels very fast, and when it hits it spills out and expands in a spherical shape. this allows almost perfect energy transfer and massive shock and wounds.

Unfortunately this also means it can't penetrate any armour, and even heavy clothes or a wallet can stop it. (Difficult Luck Roll to take trauma only)
This also means it can't ricochet or shoot through any target, making it a 'Safe' round

All Wounds are -2 to Saves (Stun And Death)

Black-Op Glaser Safety SlugSpecialx2 (+Special)AUnknown (x30+?)
This is the almost Mythical 'Armour Piercing Glaser' round that the Military are rumored to have. It can defeat light Kevlar, interior doors, clothes and other light armour. It also acts just like the normal 'Blue Top' Glasers in all other ways, making it very lethal.

Cannot penetrate SP 15 or higher, ignores lighter armour

All Wounds are -2 to Saves (Stun And Death)

Synthetic PLastic Ammunition For Training (SPLAT)Special1x(+d6+1)Specialx1
This was first used as a low lead bullet for target range use, but its lead dust and polymer mix composition makes it break up in targets. this makes it ideal for stopping targets.
Cannot penetrate SP20 or higher, whatever rolled. Pen as normal but MAX B

Tres Haute Vites (THV)x0.5x2.5+1x8
This bullet uses a revolutionary 'Reverse Ogive' design, as the bullet actually curves inward. It looks like a fat drawing pin that curves our wider down the bullet, but the shape reflects the shock waves of the impact away from the bullet at 90 degrees to the impact.
This literally tears the target apart with the shock wave, which is equivalent to a bullet two and a half times the THV's diameter.
The Round is Armour Piercing, as the impact pushes the armour apart, and the damage is high. The bullet slows rapidly after impact so it will not shoot through its target.

GECO Plasticx1Special+1x2
The GECO round is hollow through out its length with a plastic center pin that falls free after firing. this causes the bullet to tumble in the wound, spinning off at random angles. This causes a lot of tearing and it is possible for the bullet to travel the length of the target before exiting the body. Of course it is possible for the bullet to go into the body and then swerve off to one side and exit leaving only a minor wound as it doesn't expand.

Roll 1d4 divided by two. (Range: 1/2, 1, 1.5, 2)
If x1/2 x1 or x1.5 Multiply damage by this number.
if a 4 is rolled, the bullet passed into the next location on the body, (equal chance of each) doing normal damage again.

These are long aluminum bullets coated in plastic, designed to be used in revolvers. They are very high speed rounds but slow quickly in a target, and cannot pierce SP20 or higher, or walls (they were designed to be used inside Airplanes).

When rolling damage, reroll 1's and 2's .each die can only be rerolled once, so the second roll must be taken.

Technically Non-Lethal Rounds Goto Top

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NameSP Mod. Dmg Mod.Pen. Cost
Jelly RoundsSpecialSpecial+0x1
These are plastic sacs of inert Gel that flatten on impact, delivering a nasty stinging wound but little tissue damage.

Each bullet does only 1 point of real damage, the rest is stun only.
Not much use against armour. Soft armour lets the trauma through (as stun only damage) and hard armour ignores damage totally.

Ceramic RoundsSpecialSpecial-2x1.5
These rounds are brittle and weak, designed to break up on impact with anything hard.

They do 1/4 damage to Hard targets (Pen -2) and full damage to soft targets (like flesh)

Tazer DartsSpecialSpecialSpecialx3
Low velocity capacitor packages, these are fired like normal bullets, but with half normal range, and they are so low power they cannot work the action of a gas-auto weapon, so they have to be manually chambered (ROF 1)

They can shock through SP 5 or less of armour (ignoring skinweave or subdermal). On any damage do a BODY Check 15 vs. Shock. (Roll BODY+D10, 15+ or pass out for D6 minutes)

Other Rounds Goto Top

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NameSP Mod. Dmg Mod.Pen. Cost
TracersAs AmmoAs Ammo +SpecialAs Ammox1.5
These have a small incendiary in the base of the bullet that ignites when fired leaving a glowing trail from gun muzzle to point of impact. They will ignite anything flammable they hit, making them useful in an anti- vehicle role, and also allow for accurate auto fire.

When firing on fully automatic with tracer ammo, roll the skill roll twice and take the best roll. on the second roll, count the burst as HALF the size it is, as some of the bullets have already left the gun.
The drawback with tracers is that they show the enemy where you are.

Damage as a normal round + ignites anything flammable (D3 burns a round for D6 rounds)

TumblersAs AmmoAs Ammo x(1D4/2)As Ammox1.25
These bullets twist in the target, spinning and tearing. they take on unusual curved paths and exit the body from almost anywhere.
(In A true case, a UK Police Marksman with a .38 special revolver was ordered to stop a prize bull that had broken loose and injured several people. As it was a valuable animal, he shot it in the leg. The bullet hit the bone in the leg, tumbled up the leg, into the chest, punctured a lung, burst the heart and exited through the opposite shoulder. The Bull dropped dead.)

Multiply tumbler damage by D4/2, giving a range from x1/2 (minor flesh wound) to x2 (moved into nearest location, equal chance for each possible location)

SubsonicAs Ammo x1.5As AmmoAs Ammox2
These Bullets are very low signature as they travel below the speed of sound.
This is usually due to an increased bullet weight, giving a slow, heavy round that causes normal damage without supersonic 'crack'

Rifles Only
As AmmoAs Ammo -1D6As Ammox3
These pack 2 projectiles into one round, firing them both at once, this puts twice the bullets towards the target greatly increasing the chance of a hit.

Single Shot:+1 To Hit. 1D6/3 Bullets Hit
3 Round Burst:+2 To Hit. 3D6/3 Bullets Hit
Full Auto:+1 To Hit. Counts as Twice ROF bullets fired and each point over the target number hits with TWO Bullets Hit

Rifles Only
As AmmoAs Ammo -2D6As Ammox5
These pack 3 projectiles into one round, firing them both at once, this puts 3 times the bullets towards the target greatly increasing the chance of a hit.

Single Shot:+2 To Hit. 1D6/2 Bullets Hit
3 Round Burst:+3 To Hit. 3D6/2 Bullets Hit
Full Auto:+2 To Hit. Counts as THREE times ROF bullets fired and each point over target number is THREE Bullets Hit

MagnumAs AmmoAs Ammo + 1D6As AmmoDM's Call
This uses a longer round to boost a bigger, heavier bullet at high speeds, making a high power round.
Gun must be custom made
Examples: .357 Magnum .44 Magnum & .408TAC are already Magnums

Pre-StressedAs AmmoAs Ammo +SpecialAs Ammox6
The bullet has been prestressed so it is brittle, splintering into tiny metal fragments the size of hairs. In the body these creep through flesh and cause massive tissue damage. the day after a wound in the arm, the whole limb will be a mass of purple ruptured and livid flesh.

Wound advances +1 Level an hour until amputated / Medtech 20 and D6 hours of delicate surgery to remove the fragments.

Full Metal Jacket BallAs AmmoAs AmmoAs AmmoAs Ammo
Standard Military Ammunition

Heavy Metal JacketAs AmmoAs AmmoAs Ammox1.25
Thick metal jackets on the bullet stops it breaking up in the target, reducing the lethality, but making it more likely to incapacitate
Stun Saves -1, Death Saves +1.
Less likely to kill immediately but causes more shock.

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