Term | Meaning |
Samurai - n. | (Jap.) Mercenary or muscle-for-hire. Implies code of honor. (Syn. Street samurai.) |
Sand - v. | Phonetic pronunciation of the phrase "S-and-D", for "Search and Destroy." To sand someone or something is to locate and severely damage them or it. |
Sarariman - n. | (Jap.) A corporate employee. |
Sardine - n. | A soldier wearing Powered Armor. |
Scratch - n. | Money. |
Scratch Monkey - n. | (Obsc. hacker ref.) Any expendable substitute used in place of a more valuable item, on the off chance that it might be damaged or destroyed. |
Screamer - n. | 1) Slang for mouth (e.g. "Hey asshole, shut down your screamer!" 2) Something fast, sleek, and sexy, used as an expression of admiration (e.g. "She/He/It's a real screamer!) 3) Somebody who screams a lot while being reduced 4) Somebody who screams a lot while being tightly interfaced. 5) Credstick (or card) or other ID that triggers computer alarms if used. 6) A ultrasonic alarm system. |
Screamsheet - n. | Fax-type hardcopy newspapers, available by-the-page from street corner dispensers, especially one catering to non-issues of the minute (e.g. USA Today, National Enquirer). Coined by Walter Jon Williams. |
Scroll, the - ph. | 1) The constant, unremitting, and overwhelming barrage of information absorbed by everyone in modern society from the modern media, from cyberspace feed, from the grapevine, and from any other means we have of tuning in to the world state (E.g. we find out about the latest war in the Middle East, the latest hardware, the latest vaporware from The Scroll). 2) The term used to describe the messages, bulletins, and other data daily being produced and scrolled off various cyberspace systems. |
Shirt - n. | A white-collar worker, usually a low level corporate employee. |
Short-circ - ph. | See Fuse. |
Shortwire - v. | To burn out, flame out, splash down and generally crash mentally. |
Shredder - n. | A minigun or auto-cannon. |
Shut Down - ph. | to shut up, used as an exclamation (e.g. "Hey asshole, shut down!") |
Sidewalk outline - ph. | A recently deceased person, or to one who expected to die soon. The reference is to the chalk outline drawn around a dead body at a murder scene by the police. |
SimSense - n. | Simulated Sensory input, usually from a commercial recording. |
SimStim - n. | Simulated stimulation of the senses, usually from a DNI recording. |
SIN - n. | Single (or System) Identification Number. An ID number unique to each citizen. Many street people (nomads, derelicts) are said to be "SINless", i.e. without a SIN. This makes them unknown (non-existent) to the system. It allows them to move about in society more freely than a recorded citizen, but also allows the enforcers of society (police and corp. security) to punish/abuse them without due process since, technically, they do not exist. |
SIN Card - n. | A registered citizens universal ID card. It functions as a combination ID card, driver's license, medical data, organ donor, residence, and ATM card, all in one. Losing this card can have serious side effects for the owner. |
SINless - adj. | someone without a SIN. See Blank. |
Skeleton - n. | All the collected electronic records kept on an individual; their electronic identity. |
Skillsoft - n. | See Apter or Biosoft. |
Skirt - n. | An ordinary (defenseless) person (male or female.) |
Skyball - n. | A satellite (usually surveillance). |
Slam - v. | To assault or beat up (e.g. "Let's go slam some `dorphers.") |
Slam it - ph. | Generic expletive (Syn. kiss off, up yours.) |
Slap Patch - n. | See derm. |
Slice - n. | 1) A credit card. 2) An electric-powered racing cycle. |
Slice n' dice - n. | A mono-filament cyberweapon, usually mounted in the tip of a finger, which is used as a garrotte or whip. It will cut through almost all organic material and most plastics. |
Slicer - n. | One who ride a slice. |
Slot - v. | 1) Mild curse word (i.e. "Slot THIS, chummer!"). 2) To plug a moddy or daddy into a DNI. 3) To have sex. |
Slot and run - ph. | Hurry up, get to the point, move it. |
Smart - n. | Any device which has been augmented to interface with a user via cyberware; usually applies to weapons or vehicles. |
Smudge - n. | Pronunciation of the acronym SMG (SubMachineGun); thus, a submachinegun. |
So ka - ph. | (Jap.) I understand, I get it. |
Solo - n. | A mercenary who works the streets. A combat specialist for-hire. Used as bodyguards, assassins, and soldiers, individually or in groups. |
Soykaf - n. | Coffee substitute made from soybeans. |
Sphincter Factor - ph. | A level of disgust, nervousness, or fear (usually on a scale of 1 to 10.) |
Spill - v. | To spend money. |
Spit Jockey - ph. | On camera (video) news reader, anchor, host. (also known as Talking Heads) |
Splash - v. | To shoot down. E.g. to splash an idea, or "Splash that bastard!" |
Splat job - n. | A dead body, usually messy. Also sometimes used to describe a person (or persons) who are `cannon fodder' and are not expected to live much longer. |
SplatMaster - n. | Generic term for any paintball-type air pistol. Formerly a trademarked name. |
Sprawl - | 1) n. A huge metropolitan area, usually consisting of several merged mega-cities, covered a large portion of a landmass. 2) v. The prone position the bronze order perps to assume. |
State of the Art - ph. | 1) Hipper than Hip. 2) To be on the edge. |
Straightener - n. | A less than affectionate form of address for a psychiatrist. Aka `shrink'. |
Straphangers - n. | Derogatory term for commuters. |
Stud - n. | See Jack. |
Stunning - adj. | Mind-bogglingly stupid. Used sarcastically. |
Suit - n. | A straight citizen, usually a corporate employee. |
Surprise Party - ph. | What your opponents are likely to get if you break your Trauma Team card during a firefight. |
Suss - v. | To solve a problem, figure out something, understand. |
Svoluch - n. | (Rus.) 1) Derogatory term for someone without honor. 2) A bastard. |
Swarm - n. | Any large nomad convoy. |
Sweedack - ph. | Concurrence, or "I agree". From the French Canadian "Je suis d'accord." |
Synth-soul - n. | See Muzak-Man. |